
英语听力2024-03-12 02:28:05小编


abrogated [əˈbrɑːɡeɪtɪd]

英 [əˈbrəʊgeɪtɪd]


怎么读(音标):[əˈbrɑːɡeɪt] 或 [əˈbrəʊgeɪt]

用法:abrogated 是一个及物动词,常用于正式的法律文件或声明中。它的主语通常是指、法律、条约等具有权威性的或人物。它的宾语可以是某项法律、条约、协议等具体事物,也可以是某项权利、义务等抽象概念。


1. The government has decided to abrogate the old law and implement a new one. (已决定废除旧法并实施新法。)

2. The treaty between the two countries was abrogated due to violations from both sides. (由于双方违反协议,两国之间的条约被废除了。)

3. The company's CEO announced that the company will abrogate its partnership with the foreign firm. (公司CEO宣布公司将终止与外国公司的合作关系。)

4. The court declared that the contract between the two parties is abrogated due to one party's breach of contract. (宣布由于一方违反合同,双方之间的合同被废除。)

5. The new policy aims to abrogate the discrimination against minorities in the workplace. (新旨在消除职场中对少数族裔的歧视。)

同义词及用法:repeal, revoke, cancel, annul, nullify

编辑总结:abrogated 是一个正式用语,常用于法律、等领域。它的意思是废除、取消,常用于指、法律等具有权威性的或人物对某项法律、条约等事物的决定。它与其他几个近义词有一定的交叉使用,但也有各自的特定用法。为了避免误解,建议在使用时根据具体情况选择合适的词语。
