
英语听力2024-03-14 09:53:56小编




英文意思:the act of allowing someone to enter a place, or of accepting someone into an organization, group, etc.; the fee that you pay to enter a place; the process of being accepted into a school, college, university, etc.; the act of admitting that something is true


英 [ədˈmɪʃn] 美 [ədˈmɪʃn]


1. admission可以作为名词使用,表示“入场”,“准许进入”等含义。:

- The admission fee for the museum is $10 per person.


- The admission to the concert is free for children under 12.


2. admission也可以指被接受进入某个组织、学校等的过程,即“录取”、“接纳”。:

- She received her letter of admission from Harvard University.


- Admission to this prestigious club is highly competitive.


3. 在法律和上,admission还可以表示“承认”、“供认”。:

- The suspect's admission of guilt led to his arrest.


- The government's admission of responsibility for the accident sparked public outrage.


4. admission也可以用作不可数名词,表示“允许进入”的意思。:

- The hospital has strict admission policies to ensure patient safety.



1. The admission price for the amusement park is quite expensive, but it's worth it for all the fun rides and attractions.(游乐园的门票价格很贵,但是所有有趣的游乐设施和景点都值得这个价钱。)

2. Her admission to the prestigious university was a dream come true for her.(她被这所知名大学录取是她梦寐以求的。)

3. The company's admission of wrongdoing led to a decrease in their stock prices.(公司承认错误导致股价下跌。)

4. Only those with proper identification will be granted admission to the concert venue.(只有持有合法身份证明的人才能进入音乐会场地。)

5. Admission into the country is strictly regulated and requires a valid visa.(进入该受到严格监管,需要有效签证。)


1. entrance:指“进入”的行为或方式,也可以指“”或“门口”。:

- The entrance to the building is on the left side.


- The entrance fee for the amusement park is $20 per person.


2. admittance:指“允许进入”的行为或方式,也可以指“准许进入”的权利。:

- Admittance to the party is by invitation only.


- The security guard refused admittance to anyone without a valid ID.


3. acceptance:指被接受、认可或同意的过程或结果,也可以指接受某事物的态度。:

- Her acceptance into the prestigious university was a great achievement for her.(她被这所知名大学录取是她的巨大成就。)

- The company's acceptance of responsibility for the accident was appreciated by the public.(公司对事故负有责任的承认得到了公众的赞赏。)


