
英语听力2024-03-14 11:44:06小编




Adware is a type of software that displays advertisements to users while they are using their computer or mobile device. It generates revenue by displaying ads. Adware is often bundled with free software and may be installed without the user's knowledge.


adware [ˈædweə(r)]



Adware typically refers to software that generates revenue by displaying ads. It can affect the user's internet browsing experience and sometimes cause system slowdowns or crashes. Many consider adware to be a form of malware, as it may collect personal information from users and send it to third parties.


1. My computer has been infected with adware and now I can't s these annoying pop-up ads from appearing on my screen. (我的电脑被广告软件感染了,现在我无法阻止这些烦人的弹窗广告出现在屏幕上。)

2. Adware can be difficult to remove, as it often hides within other software and can reinstall itself even after being deleted. (广告软件很难移除,因为它经常隐藏在其他软件中,即使被删除后也可能重新安装。)

3. Many users unknowingly install adware when they download free software from the internet. (许多用户在从互联网下载免费软件时不知不觉地安装了广告软件。)

4. Adware can slow down your system and make your internet browsing experience frustrating. (广告软件会减慢你的速度,让你的网络浏览体验变得令人沮丧。)

5. It is important to regularly scan your computer for adware and other malware to protect your personal information and keep your system running smoothly. (定期扫描电脑以查找广告软件和其他恶意软件是十分重要的,这样可以保护个人信息并保持顺畅运行。)


1. Malware - refers to any type of malicious software, including adware.

2. Spyware - a type of malware that collects personal information from users without their knowledge.

3. Bloatware - refers to pre-installed software on devices that take up a lot of space and may include adware.

4. Scareware - a type of malware that tricks users into thinking their device is infected and prompts them to purchase fake antivirus software.

5. PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program) - a term used to describe software that may be unwanted or harmful, such as adware.


