
英语听力2024-03-14 15:00:54小编




air-curtain refers to an air curtain, also known as an air barrier. It is a device that creates a barrier by blowing high-speed air from the , to block the exchange of temperature, humidity, odors, dust and other substances between indoor and outdoor environments, thus maintaining indoor air quality and temperature stability. Air curtains are usually installed at doorways or windows and can be divided into two types: cold air type and hot air type.


[ɛr kərtən]



Air-curtains can be used in various places, such as shopping malls, supermarkets, hotels, hospitals, factories, etc. It can prevent the loss of energy from indoor air conditioning or heating, reduce energy consumption, and also prevent insects, dust and other substances from entering indoors. When used in winter, the hot air type air curtain can effectively prevent cold air from entering indoors and increase indoor temperature; when used in summer, the cold air type air curtain can effectively prevent hot air from entering indoors and lower indoor temperature. In addition, air-curtains can also be used as partition curtains to separate indoor spaces.


1. The store installed an air-curtain at the entrance to keep the cool air inside during summer. 商店在处安装了一台空气幕,在夏季保持室内的凉爽空气。

2. The hospital uses an air-curtain to prevent dust and germs from entering the operating room. 医院使用空气幕防止灰尘和细菌进入手术室。

3. The factory installed an air-curtain to reduce energy consumption and maintain a stable working environment. 工厂安装了一台空气幕,以减少能源消耗,保持稳定的工作环境。

4. The air-curtain in the hotel lobby effectively blocks the noise from the street, providing a quiet and comfortable environment for guests. 酒店大厅的空气幕有效地阻挡了街道上的噪音,为客人提供了安静舒适的环境。

5. The air-curtain can be turned on and off automatically when someone passes through the doorway, saving energy and improving convenience. 当有人通过门口时,空气幕可以自动开启和关闭,节省能源并提高便利性。


1. air barrier:空气屏障,与air-curtain意思相同,用法也类似。

2. air door:空气门,也是指空气幕或空气帘。

3. air shield:空气屏蔽物,也可以指防护罩或保护层。

4. air partition:分隔空间的帘子或屏障,也可以指用来隔离室内外环境的装置。

5. wind curtain:风幕墙,是一种通过风力来隔离室内外环境的装置。


