
英语听力2024-03-14 18:12:10小编


allegedly [əˈledʒɪdli]


【英文】according to what people say; not proven to be true yet



【例句1】He was allegedly involved in the robbery. 他据说参与了抢劫。

【例句2】The company was allegedly involved in fraudulent activities. 据说这家公司涉嫌欺诈活动。

【例句3】The politician was allegedly caught taking bribes. 据称这位家到收受贿赂。

【例句4】She was allegedly seen leaving the crime scene. 据说她被看到离开了犯罪现场。

【例句5】The movie is allegedly based on a true story. 这部电影据说是根据一个真实故事改编的。

【同义词及用法】supposedly, reportedly, apparently都可以替换allegedly使用。:Supposedly, she is the best candidate for the job. 她据说是这份工作最合适的人选。

