
英语听力2024-03-15 02:13:56小编



animal_farm是一个由英国作家乔治·奥威尔(George Orwell)所著的反乌托邦小说。这部小说于1945年出版,讲述了一群动物在农场里人类,建立自己的后,最终被者猪所背叛的故事。这部小说通过动物的形象来讽刺苏联实践中出现的权力和。

Animal Farm is a dysian novel written by British writer George Orwell. Published in 1945, the novel tells the story of a group of animals who overthrow human rule on a farm and establish their own socialist government, only to be betrayed by the dictator pigs. Through the use of animal characters, the novel satirizes the corruption and tyranny seen in Soviet socialism.


[ˈænɪməl fɑːrm]



Animal Farm can be used as a noun to refer to George Orwell's dysian novel. It can also be used as an adjective to describe political allegories with similar plot to that of an animal farm.


1. The students were assigned to read Animal Farm for their literature class. (学生们被要求读乔治·奥威尔的《动物农场》来完成文学课作业。)

2. The novel Animal Farm is a powerful critique of totalitarianism. (小说《动物农场》是对极权主义的有力批判。)

3. The animals in Animal Farm represent different political figures and ideologies.(《动物农场》中的动物了不同的人物和意识形态。)

4. The pigs in Animal Farm gradually become corrupted by power and turn into oppressors themselves.(《动物农场》中的猪逐渐被权力腐蚀,最终变成了压迫者。)

5. Many readers see Animal Farm as a cautionary tale about the dangers of totalitarianism and the abuse of power.(许多读者将《动物农场》视为一部关于极权主义和滥用权力危险性的示故事。)


1. political allegory:寓言

2. dysian novel:反乌托邦小说

3. satire:讽刺作品

4. totalitarianism:极权主义

5. corruption:


Animal Farm是一部具有强烈寓意的反乌托邦小说,通过动物的形象来讽刺苏联实践中出现的权力和。这部小说不仅在文学上具有重要意义,也为读者提供了深刻的反思和示。在使用时,可以根据需要将其作为名词或形容词来使用,也可以与其他同义词进行搭配来表达相关意思。总之,Animal Farm是一部值得一读的经典作品。
