
英语听力2024-03-15 07:38:52小编



Architecture design是指建筑设计,它是指在建筑物的规划、设计和建造过程中,考虑到结构、功能、美学和可持续性等因素,以达到最佳的建筑效果的过程。它是一门复杂的艺术和科学,涉及到建筑师、工程师、设计师和其他专业人士的合作。

Architecture design refers to the process of planning, designing, and constructing a building, taking into consideration factors such as structure, function, aesthetics, and sustainability to achieve the best architectural outcome. It is a complex art and science that involves collaboration between architects, engineers, designers, and other professionals.


[ˈɑːkɪtɛktʃər dɪˈzaɪn]


Architecture design通常用于描述建筑物的整体规划和设计过程,包括外观、结构、内部布局和材料选择等方面。它也可以指特定建筑风格或流派,如现代主义建筑设计或古典主义建筑设计。

Architecture design is commonly used to describe the overall planning and designing process of a building, including its exterior appearance, structure, interior layout, and material selection. It can also refer to specific architectural styles or movements such as modernist architecture design or classical architecture design.


1. The architecture design of the new museum is both functional and visually striking. (新博物馆的建筑设计既具有功能性又具有视觉冲击力。)

2. The architect spent months perfecting the architecture design for the new office building. (建筑师花了数月时间完善新办公楼的建筑设计。)

3. The city's skyline is a testament to the diverse architecture designs that have shaped its history. (城市的天际线见证了各种不同的建筑设计对其历史的影响。)

4. We are looking for an experienced architect to lead our next major architecture design project. (我们正在寻找一位经验丰富的建筑师来领导我们下一个重大的建筑设计项目。)

5. The postmodernist architecture design of the building has sparked controversy among local residents. (这座建筑的后现代主义风格的设计在当地居民中引发了争议。)


1. Architectural design: 与Architecture design意思相同,可互换使用。

2. Building design: 指建筑物整体规划和设计过程,与Architecture design含义类似。

3. Structural design: 强调结构方面,与Architecture design相比更加局限。

4. Urban planning: 指城市规划,也涉及到建筑物的规划和设计。

5. Interior design: 指室内设计,与Architecture design重点不同,更注重室内空间的布局和装饰。


Architecture design是指建筑设计的过程,它涉及到多个专业领域的合作,旨在达到最佳的建筑效果。它不仅仅是一门科学,更是一门艺术,能够塑造城市的面貌,并影响人们的生活。在当今社会,随着城市发展和建筑技术的进步,Architecture design变得越来越重要。它不仅关乎建筑物本身,也关乎社会和环境的可持续发展。因此,对于从事建筑行业或对建筑感兴趣的人来说,了解Architecture design的意义和用法是非常重要的。
