
英语听力2024-03-15 14:58:52小编




at_birth的音标为/æt bɜːθ/,其中第一个单词at读作/æt/,第二个单词birth读作/bɜːθ/。重音在第二个音节上。



1. 描述人类:at_birth可以用来描述人类在出生时的状态、特征或能力。比如:

- At birth, babies have limited vision.


- He was born with a genetic disorder at birth.


2. 描述动物:同样地,at_birth也可以用来描述动物在出生时的特征或能力。:

- Pandas are very small at birth.


- The baby giraffe is able to stand and walk at birth.


3. 描述物品:at_birth也可以用来描述物品在出生时的状态或特征。比如:

- The painting was damaged at birth.


- The car was already outdated at birth.


4. 描述时间:at_birth也可以用来表示某件事情发生的具体时间点,通常与动词过去式连用。:

- He passed away at birth.


- The invention was patented at birth.



1. The doctor announced the baby's weight and length at birth.


2. She was a premature baby and had to stay in the incubator for a few weeks at birth.


3. At birth, the puppy's eyes were still closed and it couldn't see anything.


4. The artist's talent was evident even at birth, as he started drawing before he could even speak.


5. The new technology was considered groundbreaking at birth, but now it's outdated.



1. Upon birth:与at_birth意思相同,表示某件事情发生或某人出生的时间点。:

- Upon birth, the baby was immediately taken to the intensive care unit.


2. At the time of birth:也可以用来表示某人或某物在出生时的状态或情况。:

- The baby's weight at the time of birth was 7 pounds.


3. When born:也可以用来描述某人或某物在出生时的状态或特征。:

- The kitten was already very playful when born.



at_birth是一个常用的英语词汇,意思是“在出生时”或“出生时”。它可以用作副词修饰动词或形容词,也可以作为介词短语出现在句子中。它通常用来描述人类、动物、物品等在出生时的状态、特征或能力,也可以表示某件事情发生的具体时间点。与它意思相近的词汇有upon birth、at the time of birth和when born等。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们要准确理解和使用这个词汇,以便更好地帮助读者理解和学习英语。
