
英语听力2024-03-15 15:07:57小编




at_the_moment的发音为/ət ðə ˈmoʊmənt/,其中的重音在第二个单词moment上。


1. 作为介词短语,at_the_moment可以与动词连用,表示某件事情正在进行中。:

- I'm busy at the moment, can I call you back later?(我此刻很忙,我能稍后给你回吗?)

- She is studying for her exams at the moment.(她此刻正在备考考试。)

2. 作为副词短语,at_the_moment可以放在句子的开头、结尾或者句子中间,表示现在的状态或情况。:

- At the moment, I am not sure if I can attend the meeting.(此刻我不确定能否参加。)

- We are living in a difficult time at the moment.(我们目前处于一个困难的时期。)

3. at_the_moment也可以用来指某个特定的时间点,通常用来强调这个时间点的重要性。:

- At the moment of impact, I closed my eyes.(在撞击的那一刻,我闭上了眼睛。)

- He arrived at the moment when I was about to leave.(他来的时候,我正要离开。)


1. I am not available at the moment, can I call you back later?(我现在不方便,我能稍后给你回吗?)

2. At the moment, she is working on a new project for her company.(此刻她正在为公司做一个新项目。)

3. The train is leaving at the moment, we have to hurry up!(火车正在开出,我们得赶紧!)

4. He is not in a good mood at the moment, so it's better not to disturb him.(他此刻心情不好,最好别打扰他。)

5. At the moment of truth, he realized that he had made a big mistake.(关键时刻,他意识到自己犯了一个大错误。)


1. currently:意为“当前;现在”,常用来表示某件事情正在进行或存在。

例句:I am currently working on a new project for our company.

2. right now:意为“此刻;现在”,通常用来表示某件事情正在发生或存在。

例句:I am busy right now, can I call you back later?

3. presently:意为“目前;现在”,通常用来强调某个时间点的重要性。

例句:Presently, I am not able to attend the meeting due to a family emergency.


