
英语听力2024-03-15 17:53:56小编




a_hundred_times的音标为 /ə ˈhʌndrəd taɪmz/,读音为“uh-huhn-druhd tahymz”。


1. 作为名词:a_hundred_times可以指一百倍的数量或者程度。:

- She has improved a_hundred_times since she started practicing.


- The new technology can increase efficiency by a_hundred_times.


2. 作为形容词:a_hundred_times可以修饰名词,表示数量或者程度非常高。:

- This is a hundred times better than the old version.


- The risk of failure is a hundred times greater than the potential reward.


3. 作为副词:a_hundred_times可以修饰动词、形容词或者其他副词,表示程度非常高。:

- She cried a_hundred_times harder than she did yesterday.


- He is a_hundred_times more confident now that he has practiced.



1. The new medicine is said to be a_hundred_times more effective than the old one.


2. The company's profits have increased a_hundred_times in the last year.


3. She has apologized to me a_hundred_times, but I still can't forgive her.


4. He has watched that movie at least a_hundred_times and he still loves it.


5. The teacher repeated the instructions a_hundred_times, but some students still didn't understand.



1. hundredfold:意思也是“一百倍”,可以作为名词或者副词使用。

- The value of the company has increased hundredfold in just one year.


- The new software can process data hundredfold faster than the old one.


2. a hundred percent:意思也是“一百倍”,可以作为名词、形容词或者副词使用。

- The team's performance has improved a hundred percent since they hired a new coach.


- The company is a hundred percent committed to reducing its carbon footprint.


3. tenfold:意思是“十倍”,可以作为名词或者副词使用。

- The number of visitors to the museum has increased tenfold since they opened the new exhibit.


- She earns tenfold more than she did in her previous job.



a_hundred_times是一个表示数量或者程度非常高的短语,可以用作名词、形容词或者副词,具体用法取决于句子结构和语境。它的同义词有hundredfold和a hundred percent,意思都是“一百倍”。为了避免重复使用该短语,我们可以尝试使用其他同义词来表达相同的意思。
