
英语听力2024-03-15 19:04:58小编






1. She realized that she had made a mistake and decided to backtrack her steps. 她意识到自己犯了一个错误,决定回溯自己的步骤。

2. The detectives had to backtrack the criminal's movements to find evidence. 探员们不得不追溯罪犯的行踪以找到证据。

3. The company had to backtrack on their decision due to public pressure. 公司不得不因为公众压力而撤销他们的决定。

4. The hiker got lost in the woods and had to backtrack his way back to the trail. 这位徒步旅行者在树林里迷路了,不得不沿着原路返回小道。

5. The government is trying to backtrack on their promises, causing disappointment among the citizens. 试图食言,这让公民感到失望。

同义词及用法:retreat, reverse, retrace, turn back等都可以替换backtrack。:

1. The army had to retreat from the battlefield due to heavy casualties. 因为惨重的伤亡不得不从战场撤退。

2. He realized his mistake and decided to reverse his decision. 他意识到自己的错误,决定改变他的决定。

3. The detectives tried to retrace the criminal's steps but couldn't find any clues. 探员们试图追溯罪犯的行踪,但是找不到任何线索。

4. The hiker turned back when he realized he was going in the wrong direction. 徒步旅行者自己走错了方向后就回头了。

5. The government is facing pressure from the citizens and may have to backtrack on their policies. 面临来自公民的压力,可能不得不撤销他们的。

编辑总结:backtrack是一个常用的动词,表示回溯或者往回走。它也可以用作名词,表示回溯的行为。在日常生活中,我们经常会遇到需要回溯或者改变决定的情况,这时候backtrack就是一个很有用的词汇。除了常见的同义词外,还可以使用retrace, reverse, retreat等来替换backtrack。希望本文能够帮助你更好地理解和使用这个词汇。
