
英语听力2024-03-16 16:36:03小编





bookman [ˈbʊkmən]


1. 作为名词:

a. 指图书管理员:The bookman at the library helped me find the book I was looking for.

b. 指熟悉图书馆和书籍的人:He is a true bookman, with an extensive knowledge of literature.

2. 作为形容词:

a. 指精通阅读和研究书籍的人:She is a bookman, always immersed in her books and studies.

b. 指与图书相关的事物:The bookstore has a wide selection of bookman merchandise, such as bookmarks and reading lights.


1. The library's bookman was able to recommend some great new reads for me to check out. 图书馆的图书管理员给我推荐了一些很棒的新书。

2. As a bookman, he spent most of his time surrounded by shelves of books, lost in his own thoughts. 作为一个书籍专家,他大部分时间都是被书架包围,沉浸在自己的思考中。

3. The bookman's knowledge of literature was impressive, and he could recommend books on any ic. 这位书籍专家对文学的知识令人印象深刻,他可以推荐任何主题的书籍。

4. She has always been a bookman, even as a child she would spend hours reading and exploring new books. 她从小就是一个书籍专家,即使是孩提时代她也会花上几个小时阅读和探索新书。

5. The bookstore's bookman section had a variety of items for sale, including bookmarks, reading glasses and book lights. 这家书店的书籍专家区有各种各样的商品出售,包括书签、阅读眼镜和阅读灯。


1. Bibliophile (n.):指热爱图书和阅读的人。与bookman类似,但更强调对书籍本身的热爱和欣赏。

例句:She is a true bibliophile, with an extensive collection of rare books.

2. Librarian (n.):指图书管理员。与bookman意思相同,但更常用于指公共图书馆或学校图书馆的管理员。

例句:The librarian helped me find the book I needed for my research paper.

3. Bookworm (n.):指爱读书的人。与bookman类似,但更常用于形容那些沉迷于阅读的人。

例句:He has always been a bookworm, spending all his free time reading.

4. Reader (n.):指阅读者。与bookman类似,但更偏向于指那些喜欢阅读的人,而不是专业的图书管理员。

例句:As a reader, she has a wide range of interests and enjoys exploring new genres.


