
英语听力2024-03-16 18:35:01小编


botfly是指一种昆虫,属于双翅目(Diptera)下的一种蝇类,其幼虫寄生在哺乳动物的皮肤或体内组织中。它们通常被称为"蛆虫"(maggot),因为它们的幼虫形态类似于蛆虫。botfly也被称为"牛蝇"(warble fly),因为它们最常见的寄主是牛。


botfly [ˈbɒtflaɪ]




1. The botfly lays its eggs on the skin of animals, and when the eggs hatch, the larvae burrow into the skin. (牛蝇会在动物的皮肤上产卵,当卵孵化后,幼虫会钻进皮肤里。)

2. The botfly larvae can cause serious infections and discomfort for animals. (牛蝇幼虫可能会给动物带来严重的感染和不适。)

3. If you notice a lump or swelling on your pet's skin, it could be a sign of a botfly infestation. (如果你宠物皮肤上有肿块或肿胀,可能是牛蝇寄生的迹象。)

4. The botflies feed on the tissue and fluids of their , which can lead to tissue damage and secondary infections. (牛蝇会吸食宿主的组织和体液,可能导致组织损伤和次生感染。)

5. It is important to seek veterinary care if your pet has been infested with botflies, as they can be difficult to remove without proper treatment. (如果宠物被牛蝇寄生,务必寻求兽医治疗,因为没有适当的治疗很难清除牛蝇。)


1. Warble fly: Another common name for the botfly, derived from its habit of causing warbles or lumps on the skin of its .

2. Cuterebra: A genus of botflies that commonly parasitize rodents and rabbits.

3. Myiasis: The medical term for infestation by fly larvae, including botflies.

4. Maggot: A general term for the larval stage of flies, including botflies.

5. Parasite: A general term for an organism that lives on or in another organism and feeds off of it.


botfly是一种寄生在哺乳动物皮肤或体内组织中的昆虫,其幼虫会给宿主带来严重的感染和不适。如果宠物被牛蝇寄生,务必及时就医,以免造成更严重的后果。另外,botfly也可以被称为warble fly或maggot,而myiasis则是指被蝇类幼虫寄生的医学术语。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们需要准确地解释单词的意思,并提供相关的用法和例句,帮助读者更好地理解和使用这个单词。同时,也要注意避免出现格式化的参数或规律,以避免被AI检测器。
