
英语听力2024-03-16 22:32:55小编




breathe_again的音标为[briːð əˈɡeɪn]。


breathe_again可以作为及物动词或不及物动词使用。作为及物动词时,它后面可以接名词或代词作宾语,表示某人再次呼吸某种空气。:“The fresh air made me breathe again.”(新鲜的空气让我再次呼吸)。作为不及物动词时,它没有宾语,表示某人重新开始呼吸。:“After being underwater for a minute, I finally came up to the surface and breathed again.”(在水下一分钟后,我终于浮出水面并重新开始呼吸)。


1. After the surgery, the patient was unable to breathe on their own and had to rely on a ventilator. (手术后,患者无法自主呼吸,不得不依靠呼吸机)。

2. The yoga instructor reminded her students to focus on their breath and breathe again whenever they felt overwhelmed. (瑜伽教练提醒学生们在感到压力时专注于呼吸,重新开始呼吸)。

3. The firefighters were relieved to see the trapped child finally breathe again after they rescued her from the burning building. (消防员们救出被困的孩子后,看到她终于重新开始呼吸,感到宽慰)。

4. The singer took a deep breath and breathed again before starting her performance in front of thousands of fans. (歌手在数千名粉丝面前表演前深吸一口气并重新开始呼吸)。

5. After a long day at work, all I wanted to do was relax and breathe again in the comfort of my own home. (工作了一整天后,我只想在自己舒适的家中放松并重新开始呼吸)。


1. Inhale:意为“吸入”,它可以用来代替breathe_again作为及物动词。:“The doctor told him to inhale deeply and then exhale slowly.”(医生告诉他深深地吸气,然后慢慢地呼气)。

2. Resuscitate:意为“使复苏”,它可以用来代替breathe_again作为及物动词。:“The lifeguard quickly resuscitated the drowning swimmer by performing CPR.”(救生员通过进行心肺复苏术迅速使溺水者复苏)。

3. Revive:意为“恢复生机”,它可以用来代替breathe_again作为不及物动词。:“After a good night's sleep, she felt revived and ready to tackle the day ahead.”(经过一晚好的睡眠,她感到振奋,准备迎接新的一天)。


breathe_again是一个常用的动词短语,它可以用来形容一个人重新开始呼吸或比喻一个人重新获得生机和活力。它的音标为[briːð əˈɡeɪn],可以作为及物动词或不及物动词使用。作为及物动词时,它后面可以接名词或代词作宾语,表示某人再次呼吸某种空气;作为不及物动词时,它没有宾语,表示某人重新开始呼吸。同义词包括inhale、resuscitate和revive。
