
英语听力2024-03-17 02:19:21小编



What does brun mean: Brun is an English noun that refers to a person with brown or black hair color. It can also be used to describe a particular color, specifically a dark brown or blackish-brown color.


Pronunciation: The pronunciation of brun is /bɹʌn/, with the initial /b/ being a voiceless bilabial s, the /r/ being an alveolar approximant, the /ʌ/ being a short vowel sound, and the final /n/ being a nasalized consonant.


Usage: Brun can be used as a noun to refer to a person with brown or black hair color. It can also be used as an adjective to describe a particular color. Additionally, it can also be used as a surname in some regions.


1. My friend has beautiful brun hair that shines in the sunlight.


2. The walls of the old castle were painted in a deep brun color.


3. The brun-eyed girl stood out among her blue-eyed family members.


4. My favorite color is brun because it reminds me of the earth and nature.


5. Mr. and Mrs. Brun just moved into the neighborhood and we welcomed them with open arms.


同义词及用法:与brun相近的词语包括brown、chestnut、dark brown等,它们都可以用来形容棕色或黑褐色。但是brun通常更多指代头发颜色,而不是其他物体的颜色。另外,brun也可以作为姓氏使用。

Synonyms and usage: Similar words to brun include brown, chestnut, dark brown, etc., which can all be used to describe a shade of brown or blackish-brown color. However, brun is more commonly used to refer to hair color rather than other objects' colors. Additionally, brun can also be used as a surname.

编辑总结:brun是一个表示头发颜色为棕色或黑色的英语词汇,也可以用来形容某种颜色。它的读音为/bɹʌn/,可以作为名词或形容词使用。与brun相近的词语包括brown、chestnut、dark brown等。注意,brun通常更多指代头发颜色,而不是其他物体的颜色。此外,它也可以作为姓氏使用。
