
英语听力2024-03-17 08:34:53小编



Call for是一个动词短语,意为“要求,呼吁”,常用于正式场合或者公共号召中。它可以指某人或某事物需要做出某种行动或采取某种态度,也可以指对某件事情的需求或要求。


英 [kɔːl fɔːr] 美 [kɔːl fɔːr]


1. Call for + 名词/代词/动名词:表示要求、需要、呼吁某人或某物做出行动。

例句:The government called for stricter laws to protect the environment. (呼吁制定更严格的法律来保护环境。)

2. Call for + 名词短语:表示对某件事情的需求或要求。

例句:There is a call for more funding to support education. (有人呼吁增加资金来支持教育。)

3. Call for + 动词-ing形式:表示要求或需要做出某种行动。

例句:The situation calls for immediate action. (情况需要立即采取行动。)


1. The company's CEO called for unity and cooperation among all employees to achieve the company's goals. (公司的CEO呼吁所有员工团结一致、合作,以实现公司的目标。)

2. The city council has issued a call for volunteers to help with the upcoming charity event. (市议会发出了呼吁,希望志愿者们能够帮助即将到来的慈善活动。)

3. The recent natural disasters have called for urgent aid and support from neighboring countries. (最近发生的自然灾害需要邻国紧急援助和支持。)

4. The teacher called for silence in the classroom so that the students could focus on their exams. (老师要求课堂上保持安静,让学生们能够专心应对考试。)

5. The protesters are calling for the resignation of the corrupt government officials. (者们要求的官员辞职。)


1. Demand:强调强烈的要求或需要。

例句:The workers are demanding higher wages and better working conditions.


2. Urge:强调迫切地请求或劝说。

例句:The doctor urged his patient to quit smoking for the sake of his health.


3. Appeal:强调向公众或权威寻求帮助或支持。

例句:The charity organization is appealing for donations to help the homeless.



Call for是一个常用于正式场合或公共号召中的动词短语,意为“要求,呼吁”。它可以指某人或某事物需要做出某种行动或采取某种态度,也可以指对某件事情的需求或要求。它的用法包括call for + 名词/代词/动名词、call for + 名词短语以及call for + 动词-ing形式。同义词包括demand、urge和appeal,但它们在强调程度和使用场合上有所不同。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们应该准确理解call for的含义,并能够灵活运用其用法和同义词,以便更准确地表达想要表达的意思。
