
英语听力2024-03-17 18:46:50小编



check_in是一个常用的动词短语,它的中文含义为“登记入住”,通常用于旅馆、酒店等场所,指客人到达并办理入住手续的过程。在英文中,check in也可以作为名词使用,表示“登记入住处”。


check in [tʃek ɪn]


1. check in作为动词使用时,可分为两种情况:

a. 指客人到达旅馆、酒店等场所并办理入住手续。:

- I arrived at the hotel and checked in at the front desk.


- Please check in at least one hour before your flight.


b. 指打卡或签到,记录自己的出勤情况。:

- All employees need to check in before starting work.


- Don't forget to check in when you arrive at the office.


2. check in作为名词使用时,通常指登记入住处或柜台。:

- The check-in line at the airport was very long.


- You can pick up your room key at the check-in desk.



1. When we arrived at the hotel, we were asked to check in at the front desk.


2. I always make sure to check in online before my flight.


3. It's important to check in with your boss before making any major decisions.


4. The conference attendees were asked to check in and receive their name tags before entering the event hall.


5. Please remember to check in every day when you arrive at work.



1. register: 动词,指正式登记或记录信息。

2. enroll: 动词,指加入或注册某项活动或组织。

3. sign in: 动词短语,指登记或签到。

4. check into: 动词短语,指办理入住手续。

5. front desk: 名词短语,指接待处或前台。


check_in是一个常用的动词短语,它的中文含义为“登记入住”,通常用于旅馆、酒店等场所。除了指客人到达并办理入住手续外,它还可以表示打卡或签到。作为名词使用时,check-in通常指登记入住处或柜台。除了check in外,还有一些近义词可以替换使用,如register、enroll等。在日常生活中,我们经常会遇到需要办理入住手续的场景,因此掌握好check in这个词汇是很有必要的。
