Chopping is a verb that means "to cut, chop, or hack". It can refer to using a knife or an axe to divide an object into smaller pieces, or using hands or other tools to divide an object into smaller pieces. Additionally, it can also refer to moving one's arms or body quickly and forcefully.
1. 作为动词使用时,chopping通常后面会跟上一个名词作宾语。:“She was chopping vegetables for dinner.”(她正在切蔬菜做晚餐。)
2. chopping也可以作为名词使用,表示“砍、剁”的动作或者过程。:“The constant chopping of wood could be heard from the forest.”(从森林里可以听到不断的砍木头的声音。)
1. She was chopping onions for the soup.(她正在切洋葱做汤。)
2. The chef was expertly chopping the meat into small cubes.(厨师正在熟练地把肉切成小块。)
3. The sound of chopping wood echoed through the forest.(砍木头的声音在森林中回荡。)
4. He was chopping the firewood with an axe.(他正在用斧头砍柴。)
5. The karate master demonstrated his skills by chopping a brick in half with his bare hand.(空手劈开一块砖头,空手破砖,空手劈橛,是空手道大师的功夫。)
1. cut:与chopping相似,都指将物体分割成小块。但cut更多指使用刀具或者其他尖锐工具进行切割。
2. slice:与chopping不同,slice指将物体平滑地分割成薄片。
3. dice:与chopping不同,dice指将物体切成小方块。
4. chop up:与chopping意思相同,但up表示动作的完成。
5. hack:与chopping意思相似,都指用力切割或者砍断。但hack更多指粗暴、不精确的动作。
Chopping是一个常用的动词,它可以表示使用工具或者手来将物体分割成小块,也可以表示快速而有力地移动身体部位。它还可以作为名词使用,表示砍、剁的动作或者过程。与其类似的词语有cut、slice、dice、chop up和hack。熟练掌握这些同义词的用法,可以帮助我们更准确地表达自己的意思。