
英语听力2024-03-18 19:36:03小编






1. 作为名词使用时,curb常常指路边的护栏或者勒马绳。:

- The horse pulled at the curb, eager to run.


- The curb along the sidewalk was painted yellow.


2. 作为动词使用时,curb通常表示或者抑制某种行为或情感。:

- It's important to curb your emotions in a professional setting.


- The government is taking measures to curb inflation.


3. curb还可以指限制或抑制某种发展。:

- The new regulations are intended to curb illegal activities.


- The city is trying to curb the spread of the virus.



1. He leaned against the curb and waited for the bus to arrive.


2. The government needs to take more effective measures to curb corruption.


3. The police put up barriers to curb the flow of traffic during the parade.


4. She struggled to curb her anger and speak calmly.


5. The company has implemented new policies to curb excessive spending.



1. restrain:作为动词,意为“抑制;阻止;约束”。:

- He had difficulty restraining his tears at the funeral.


- The government is taking steps to restrain inflation.


2. control:作为动词,意为“;管理;操纵”。:

- It's important to control your temper in difficult situations.


- The company is trying to control costs by cutting unnecessary expenses.


3. limit:作为动词,意为“限制;限定;约束”。:

- The school has limited the number of students in each class.


- We need to limit our use of plastic to protect the environment.


4. curb:作为动词时,与restrain和control的含义相似,但更强调对负面行为或情感的抑制。:

- The government is determined to curb illegal immigration.


- She struggled to curb her jealousy and be happy for her friend's success.



