
英语听力2024-03-19 11:58:03小编


1. 意思:dive是一个英语单词,可以作动词或名词使用。作动词时,它的意思是“跳水”,“潜水”,“俯冲”等;作名词时,它的意思是“跳水动作”,“潜水运动”等。

2. 怎么读:dive的音标为/daɪv/,音标中的/d/发音为清辅音/d/,/aɪ/发音为双元音/aɪ/,/v/发音为清辅音/v/。

3. 用法:dive作动词时,可以用来描述人或物体从高处向下跳入水中或其他物体中。:“The diver is going to dive into the pool.”(这位跳水运动员将要跳入游泳池中。)此外,dive也可以表示人或物体向下俯冲或迅速下降的动作。:“The eagle dived down to catch its prey.”(老鹰俯冲下去抓捕猎物。)当dive作名词时,通常指代一种运动或活动,在游泳、滑雪、跳伞等运动中都有使用。:“I love watching the diving competition during the Olympics.”(我喜欢看奥运会上的跳水比赛。)

4. 例句:

1) The children were having fun diving into the lake.


2) The airplane dived towards the ground before pulling up at the last moment.


3) She learned how to dive when she was only five years old.


4) He made a perfect dive and scored high marks from the judges.


5) The diving team practices every day to prepare for the competition.


5. 同义词及用法:与dive意思相近的单词有plunge、plummet、submerge等。它们都可以表示向下跳入或俯冲的动作。:“The skydiver plunged from the plane and opened his parachute.”(跳伞运动员从飞机上纵身一跃,然后打开降落伞。)“The stock market plummeted after the economic crisis.”(经济危机后股市暴跌。)“The submarine submerged under the water to avoid detection.”(潜艇潜入水中以避免被。)

6. 编辑总结:dive是一个常用的英语单词,在日常生活中经常会遇到,特别是在涉及到运动或活动时。它既可以作动词,表示跳水、潜水等动作,也可以作名词,指代一种运动或活动。在使用时要注意上下文语境,避免出现歧义。同时,也可以尝试使用其近义词来丰富表达。
