
英语听力2024-03-19 12:20:02小编



DMOZ是一个开放式的网站目录,也称为Open Directory Project(ODP),它由人工编辑的网站目录组成,涵盖了各种主题和类别。它提供了一个免费的搜索引擎服务,用户可以通过输入关键词来查找相关网站。

What is the meaning of dmoz (Chinese-English) explanation

DMOZ is an open website directory, also known as the Open Directory Project (ODP), which consists of a human-edited website directory covering various ics and categories. It provides a free search engine service where users can find relevant websites by entering keywords.


dmoz [diːmɒz]




DMOZ is commonly used as a website directory to help users search for relevant websites. It can also be used as a search engine optimization (SEO) tool, as it provides high-quality external links and traffic.


1. DMOZ is a great resource for finding websites related to your interests. (DMOZ是一个寻找与你兴趣相关网站的好资源。)

2. I always check DMOZ before starting my research, it helps me find reliable sources. (在开始研究之前,我总是会查看DMOZ,它帮助我找到可靠的来源。)

3. DMOZ has a wide range of categories, making it easy to find what you're looking for. (DMOZ拥有广泛的分类,让你可以轻松找到想要的内容。)

4. As a website owner, it's important to submit your site to DMOZ for better visibility. (作为一个网站所有者,把你的网站提交到DMOZ对于提高可见性很重要。)

5. DMOZ is a non-profit organization run by volunteers who are passionate about organizing the web. (DMOZ是一个由热心人士组成的非营利组织,致力于整理互联网。)


1. Open Directory Project (ODP) - another name for DMOZ

2. Website directory - a list or index of websites organized by category or ic

3. Search engine - a program that searches for and identifies items in a database that correspond to keywords specified by the user

4. Search engine optimization (SEO) - the process of optimizing a website to increase its visibility and ranking in search engine results

5. External links - hyperlinks that lead from one webpage to another webpage on a different domain


