
英语听力2024-03-20 00:51:07小编




Emergency的音标为 /ɪˈmɜːdʒənsi/,其中重读音节为第二个e。发音时,重读部分要比其他部分长,且发音时要注意将g和s两个辅音连读起来。


1. Emergency作为名词时,指突发或紧急情况,需要立即采取行动的情况。

- In case of emergency, please dial 911. (在紧急情况下,请拨打911。)

- The hospital has an emergency room for patients with life-threatening conditions. (医院设有一个急诊室,专门收治病情危急的患者。)

2. Emergency也可以作为形容词使用,在这种情况下,它意为“紧急的”、“迫在眉睫的”。

- The emergency meeting was called to address the urgent issue. (紧急召开以解决迫在眉睫的问题。)

- We need to take emergency measures to deal with the crisis. (我们需要采取紧急措施来应对危机。)


1. The fire department responded to the emergency call within minutes. (消防部门在几分钟内响应了紧急呼救。)

2. The city has declared a state of emergency due to the severe weather conditions. (由于恶劣的天气状况,该城市宣布进入紧急状态。)

3. In an emergency, it is important to stay calm and follow the instructions of emergency personnel. (在紧急情况下,保持冷静并遵循应急人员的指示非常重要。)

4. The hospital has a team of trained professionals who are ready to handle any type of medical emergency. (医院拥有一支受过训练的专业团队,随时准备处理任何类型的医疗紧急情况。)

5. The government has set up an emergency fund to provide relief for those affected by natural disasters. (设立了一个应急基金,为受自然灾害影响的人提供救援。)


1. Crisis:指突发或危机性的或情况,与emergency意思相近。

- The country is facing an economic crisis due to the pandemic. (由于,该国正面临经济危机。)

- The government has declared a state of crisis and implemented measures to address the situation. (宣布进入危机状态,并采取措施应对情况。)

2. Urgent:指需要立即处理的事情或情况,比emergency程度稍轻。

- The company has an urgent need for new employees. (公司急需新员工。)

- The doctor said the patient's condition is not urgent, but it should be monitored closely. (医生说患者的病情不是很紧急,但应该密切监测。)

3. Critical:指关键性的、重要的、危急的。

- The critical moment came when the team was down by three points and only had one minute left on the clock. (当球队落后三分,在时钟上只剩一分钟时,关键时刻到来了。)

- The patient's condition is critical and requires immediate surgery. (患者病情危急,需要立即手术。)

4. Disaster:指重大灾难或不幸。

- The earthquake was a disaster that caused widespread destruction and loss of life. (地震是一场造成广泛破坏和生命损失的灾难。)

- The company suffered a financial disaster due to poor management decisions. (由于管理决策不当,该公司遭受了财务灾难。)


