
英语听力2024-03-20 01:19:30小编


Empire Earth(游戏)是一款历史策略游戏,简称为EE。该游戏由美国游戏公司Stainless Steel Studios开发,于2001年11月发布。它是一款以帝国建设和战争为主题的即时战略游戏,玩家可以通过建造和管理自己的帝国来探索人类文明的发展历程。


Empire Earth [ɛmpaɪər ɜːθ]


Empire Earth通常作为一个名词使用,指代该款游戏。它也可以作为动词使用,表示玩家正在进行帝国建设和战争。


1. I spent all night playing Empire Earth and finally conquered the world. (我通宵玩《帝国地球》,最终征服了世界。)

2. The graphics in Empire Earth are amazing, it feels like you're really in ancient times. (《帝国地球》的画面令人惊叹,感觉就像真的身处古代。)

3. My favorite part of Empire Earth is the ability to customize my own civilization and lead it to victory. (我最喜欢《帝国地球》的一点是可以定制自己的文明并领导它取得胜利。)

4. Some players prefer to focus on economy and diplomacy in Empire Earth, while others enjoy the thrill of constant battles. (一些玩家更喜欢在《帝国地球》中专注于经济和,而另一些人则享受不断战斗的刺激。)

5. The expansion pack for Empire Earth added new civilizations and units, making the game even more diverse and exciting. (《帝国地球》的扩展包增加了新的文明和单位,使游戏更加多样和令人兴奋。)


1. Civilization: refers to a society or group of people with a high level of culture, science, and social organization. In Empire Earth, players can choose from different civilizations to play as.


2. Strategy game: a type of video game that requires players to use tactics and planning to achieve victory. Empire Earth is considered a classic example of a real-time strategy game.


3. Conquer: to take control or possession of something by force or through military means. In Empire Earth, players can conquer other civilizations by defeating them in battles.



Empire Earth是一款备受欢迎的历史策略游戏,它允许玩家探索人类文明的发展历程,并通过建造和管理自己的帝国来体验帝国建设和战争的魅力。游戏中有多种文明可供选择,玩家可以使用不同的策略来取得胜利。作为一款经典的即时战略游戏,Empire Earth仍然受到许多玩家的喜爱,并且也成为了其他类似游戏的模板。
