怎么读(音标):[end],英 [end]
1. 动词,表示结束或终止某事物。
2. 名词,指某物的末端或最后部分。
1. The movie will end at 10 pm.(这部电影将在晚上10点结束。)
2. I hope this war will end soon.(我希望这场战争很快就会结束。)
3. Please stay until the very end of the concert.(请一直待到音乐会的最后。)
4. This is just the beginning, not the end.(这只是个开始,并不是终点。)
5. He always forgets to put a period at the end of his sentences.(他总是忘记在句子结尾加上句号。)
1. finish:动词,表示完成某事物。
例句:I need to finish my homework before I can go out and play with my friends.
2. conclude:动词,表示结束或总结。
例句:The meeting concluded with a vote on the new proposal.
3. terminate:动词,表示终止或中断。
例句:The contract will terminate at the end of this month.
4. boundary:名词,指某物的或界限。
例句:The boundary between the two countries is heavily guarded.
5. limit:名词,指某物的限制或范围。
例句:There is a limit to how much I can help you with your project.
end作为动词和名词都有着明确的含义,常用于表示结束或终止某事物。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到end这个单词,因此了解其准确的意思和用法非常重要。除了以上提到的同义词外,end还可以作为形容词使用,“the end result”(最终结果),强调某事物的最后状态。希望本篇文章能够帮助读者更好地理解并正确使用end这个单词。