
英语听力2024-03-20 02:36:14小编



Energy_Star是指美国环保署(Environmental Protection Agency,简称EPA)和美国能源部(Department of Energy,简称DOE)联合推出的一个标志,用来识别并认证那些能够节约能源并保护环境的产品和建筑物。该标志旨在帮助消费者选择更加节能环保的产品和建筑物,同时也鼓励企业和组织开发和生产更加环保的产品。

Energy_Star is a symbol jointly launched by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Energy (DOE) to identify and certify products and buildings that are energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. The symbol aims to help consumers choose more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly products and buildings, while also encouraging businesses and organizations to develop and produce more environmentally friendly products.


Energy_Star [ˈɛnərdʒi stɑr]



Four: 例句1-5句且中英对照

1. This refrigerator has an Energy_Star label, which means it is energy efficient and can save you money on your electricity bill. 这台冰箱有一个Energy_Star标志,意味着它节能高效,可以为您节省电费。

2. The Energy_Star certification ensures that this building meets strict energy efficiency and environmental standards. Energy_Star认证确保这座建筑符合严格的能源效率和环保标准。

3. Look for the Energy_Star logo when purchasing new appliances to ensure they are energy efficient. 购买新家电时,请寻找Energy_Star标志,以确保它们具有节能高效的特性。

4. This company has been awarded the Energy_Star Partner of the Year for its commitment to producing environmentally friendly products. 这家公司因其致力于生产环保产品而获得了Energy_Star年度合作伙伴奖。

5. The Energy_Star program has helped reduce carbon emissions and save consumers billions of dollars on their energy bills. Energy_Star计划帮助减少碳排放,并为消费者节省了数十亿美元的能源费用。


1. Energy-efficient: 节能的,指产品或建筑物具有较低的能耗。

2. Environmentally friendly: 环保的,指产品或建筑物对环境影响较小。

3. Green: 绿色的,指产品或建筑物符合环保标准。

4. Eco-friendly: 环保的,同“environmentally friendly”。

5. Sustainable: 可持续的,指产品或建筑物具有长期的可持续发展性。


Energy_Star是美国环保署和能源部联合推出的一个标志,旨在识别并认证那些能够节约能源并保护环境的产品和建筑物。它可以帮助消费者选择更加节能环保的产品和建筑物,同时也鼓励企业和组织开发和生产更加环保的产品。Energy_Star通常用作名词,可以作为一个品牌或标志,在产品上印制或悬挂,也可以在建筑物外墙或玻璃上展示。同义词包括energy-efficient、environmentally friendly、green、eco-friendly和sustainable。
