
英语听力2024-03-20 06:31:31小编




Etiquette refers to social etiquette or code of conduct, and can also refer to specific norms and customs in certain situations. It refers to the norms and manners that people should follow in social interactions, in order to show respect and care for others.


etiquette [ˈɛtɪkɛt]



Etiquette is usually used as a countable noun, referring to a specific set of manners or code of conduct. It can refer to specific norms and customs in certain situations, or general social etiquette. In formal occasions or business activities, following proper etiquette is very important as it can help people establish good interpersonal relationships.


1. It is important to follow proper etiquette when attending a formal dinner. (参加正式晚宴时,遵守正确的礼仪很重要。)

2. In some cultures, it is considered impolite to eat before the starts eating. (在某些文化中,主人开始吃饭前先动筷子被认为是不礼貌的。)

3. She has impeccable etiquette and always knows the right thing to say in any situation. (她有无可挑剔的社会礼仪,在任何情况下都知道说什么是恰当的。)

4. The company's success can be attributed to its emphasis on business etiquette and professionalism. (公司的成功归功于其对商业礼仪和专业的重视。)

5. As a tourist, it is important to familiarize yourself with the local customs and etiquette before visiting a foreign country. (作为一名游客,在前往外国旅行前熟悉当地的风俗和礼仪很重要。)


1. Manners: 礼貌、风度。与etiquette相似,但更强调个人行为和态度。

例句:She has good manners and always greets everyone with a smile.


2. Code of conduct: 行为准则、规范。与etiquette类似,但更强调特定场合下应遵守的规范。

例句:The company has a strict code of conduct for its employees.


3. Protocol: 礼节、礼仪。与etiquette类似,但更强调正式场合下的规范和程序。

例句:The protocol for meeting with foreign dignitaries is different from that for local officials.



