
英语听力2024-03-20 07:50:08小编



1. 怎么读(音标):

evil [ˈiːvəl]

2. 用法:




3. 例句:

1. The witch was known for her evil deeds and dark magic.(这位女巫以她邪恶的行径和黑暗的魔法闻名。)

2. The evil king ruled his kingdom with an iron fist and showed no mercy to his subjects.(邪恶的国王以铁腕他的王国,并对他的臣民毫不留情。)

3. The evil influence of the cult led many young people astray.(这个带来的影响导致许多年轻人误入歧途。)

4. It takes a strong will to resist the temptation of evil desires.(邪恶欲望需要坚强的意志。)

5. The villagers believed that the old abandoned house was haunted by evil spirits.(村民们相信那座被遗弃的老房子被邪恶的灵魂所附身。)

4. 同义词及用法:


例句:The wicked witch cast a spell on the princess.


例句:The malevolent dictator oppressed his people for decades.


例句:There was something sinister about the abandoned mansion.


例句:He spread malicious rumors about his co-worker to get him fired.


例句:The diabolical plan of the terrorist group caused widespread destruction.

5. 编辑总结:

