
英语听力2024-03-20 10:08:54小编




英文释义:to come to an end; terminate; cease to exist or be in force; die.


expire的音标为 /ɪkˈspaɪər/。


1. expire作为不及物动词,后面通常接介词“on”或“at”,表示时间、合同等的到期。

- My driver's license will expire next month. (我的驾照下个月就要到期了。)

- The contract between the two companies will expire on June 30th. (两家公司之间的合同将在6月30日到期。)

2. expire也可以作为及物动词,后面接名词或代词作宾语,表示使某物失效或终止。

- The company decided to expire the old product and launch a new one. (公司决定停产旧产品并推出新产品。)

- The government announced that it would expire all expired passports. (宣布将使所有过期失效。)

3. expire还可以用来表示呼吸停止或生命结束。

- He expired peacefully in his sleep at the age of 90. (他在90岁时在睡梦中平静地离世。)

- The patient's heart sped beating and he expired shortly after. (病人的心脏停止跳动,不久后他就去世了。)


1. The warranty on this product will expire in three months. (这个产品的保修期将在三个月后到期。)

2. I need to renew my driver's license before it expires next week. (我需要在下周之前续签我的驾照,以免过期。)

3. The company has decided to let the contract with their supplier expire and find a new one. (公司决定让与供应商的合同到期,并寻找新的合作伙伴。)

4. The government has announced that all expired visas will be extended for another six months due to the pandemic. (宣布由于原因,所有过期签证将延长六个月。)

5. The patient's health was deteriorating and the doctors knew he would expire soon. (病人的健康状况正在恶化,医生们知道他很快就会去世。)


1. end:作为动词,表示“结束”、“终止”,常用来指时间、活动或关系的结束。

- Our vacation ended yesterday and we had to go back to work today.


- The company decided to end their partnership after many years of cooperation.


2. terminate:作为动词,表示“终止”、“结束”,常用来指合同、协议等的终止。

- The landlord terminated the lease agreement with the tenant due to late payments.


- The company decided to terminate the contract with their supplier and find a new one.


3. cease:作为动词,表示“停止”、“结束”,常用来指活动或状态的停止。

- The rain finally ceased and we were able to continue our outdoor event.


- The company decided to cease production of their least popular product.



