
英语听力2024-03-20 18:55:30小编


1. final_warning是什么意思(中英文)解释


2. 怎么读(音标)

final_warning的读音为[fʌɪnl ˈwɔːnɪŋ],其中,[fʌɪnl]为重音部分,读作[fʌɪnl];[ˈwɔːnɪŋ]为次重音部分,读作[ˈwɔːnɪŋ]。

3. 用法


- The teacher gave the students a final warning before the exam.


- He ignored the final warning and continued to break the rules.


- The final warning sign was posted on the door.


4. 例句1-5句且中英对照

1) The boss gave him a final warning before firing him.


2) She received a final warning from the police for speeding.


3) The final warning was issued to evacuate the area before the hurricane hit.


4) Despite the final warning, he still chose to ignore it and face the consequences.


5) The final warning was given to remind him of the deadline for submitting his report.


5. 同义词及用法

- Last warning:与final_warning意思相同,都指最后一次的告。

- Ultimatum:指给对方设定的最终期限,并附带威胁性质的告。

- Final notice:指最后一封通知信或提醒函。


6. 编辑总结

final_warning是一个常用的名词短语,意为“最后告”。它通常用来指最后一次给出的告或提醒,在句中作为主语、宾语或定语使用。其同义词包括last warning、ultimatum和final notice等。在使用时,需注意上下文语境,选择合适的词语来表达最终的告或提醒。
