
英语听力2024-03-21 00:57:31小编




Form-fill-seal_ffs is a type of packaging machinery that is commonly used for packaging food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and other products. It can automatically complete the packaging process, from forming the packaging bag to filling the product, sealing and cutting, and finally forming a complete packaged product.


form-fill-seal_ffs [fɔːm fɪl siːl]



Form-fill-seal_ffs is usually operated by one machine to complete all packaging processes, which greatly improves production efficiency. It can be used for various shapes and sizes of products, and the filling amount and sealing method can be adjusted according to needs. In addition, it can also use different types of packaging materials such as plastic film and aluminum foil.


1. The company has invested in a new form-fill-seal_ffs machine to increase production capacity. 公司投资了一台新的form-fill-seal_ffs机器,以增加生产能力。

2. The form-fill-seal_ffs process is highly automated, reducing the need for manual labor. form-fill-seal_ffs的过程高度自动化,减少了对人工劳动的需求。

3. This form-fill-seal_ffs machine can produce 100 bags per minute, greatly improving efficiency. 这台form-fill-seal_ffs机器每分钟可以生产100袋,大大提高了效率。

4. The company uses form-fill-seal_ffs technology to package their products, ensuring the freshness and quality of the items. 公司采用form-fill-seal_ffs技术来包装他们的产品,确保商品的新鲜度和质量。

5. The form-fill-seal_ffs packaging method is widely used in the food industry due to its high efficiency and cost-effectiveness. 由于其高效和经济性,form-fill-seal_ffs包装方法在食品行业广泛应用。


Form-fill-seal_ffs也可以简称为FFS或者form fill seal。它与其他类型的包装机械如flow wrapper、vertical form fill seal(VFFS)等有所不同。FFS通常适用于固体、粉末和颗粒状产品的包装,而flow wrapper则适用于条状或片状产品的包装。VFFS则可以根据产品的形状和大小进行调整,适用范围更广。

Form-fill-seal_ffs can also be referred to as FFS or form fill seal. It is different from other types of packaging machinery such as flow wrapper and vertical form fill seal (VFFS). FFS is usually suitable for packaging solid, powder and granular products, while flow wrapper is suitable for packaging strip or slice products. VFFS can be adjusted according to the shape and size of the product, making it more versatile.


