
英语听力2024-03-21 02:44:08小编


1. 意思:fractures是指物体或者结构的断裂,也可以指人体骨骼的断裂。

英文:Fractures refer to the breakage of an object or structure, and can also refer to the breakage of bones in the human body.

2. 怎么读:[ˈfræktʃərz]

3. 用法:作为名词使用,可数和不可数。作为动词使用时,意为“使断裂”。

4. 例句:

1) The earthquake caused numerous fractures in the building's foundation.


2) The doctor diagnosed a fracture in my arm after I fell off my bike.


3) The company's financial crisis has led to fractures within the management team.


4) It is important to treat a fracture promptly in order to avoid further damage.


5) The relationship between the two countries has been fractured for years.


5. 同义词及用法:

1) Breakage: 指物体或结构的破碎,与fractures意思相近。

例句:The vase fell to the ground and suffered severe breakage.

2) Crack: 指物体表面的细小裂缝,与fractures意思有些区别。

例句:There is a crack in the windshield of my car.

3) Split: 指物体或结构被分成两部分,也可用来指人体骨骼的断裂。

例句:The wood split in half when I tried to chop it.

4) Fracture can also be used as a verb, meaning “to break or cause to break into pieces”.

例句:The fall fractured his leg in three places.

5) Disruption: 指破坏或中断某种正常状态,与fractures意思有些差异。

例句:The power outage caused major disruptions to the city's transportation system.

6. 编辑总结:

