
英语听力2024-03-21 03:02:28小编


1. 意思:fray是一个动词,意为“磨损”、“破裂”、“争吵”。作名词时,意为“战斗”、“争吵”。

2. 怎么读:[freɪ]

3. 用法:fray作为动词时,常用于被动语态,表示物体表面被磨损或破裂。作名词时,通常指一场激烈的战斗或争吵。

4. 例句:

1) The fabric on the couch is starting to fray. (这张沙发上的织物开始磨损了。)

2) The relationship between the two countries is fraying due to ongoing conflicts. (由于持续的,两国之间的关系开始出现裂痕。)

3) The hem of her dress was frayed from dragging on the ground. (她裙子的下摆因拖地而起毛边。)

4) After years of neglect, the bridge was beginning to fray and was deemed unsafe for use. (经过多年的忽视,这座桥梁开始出现裂缝,并被认为不安全使用。)

5) The political party is in a constant state of fray as members argue over policies and strategies. (政党内部由于成员对和策略的争论而处于不断的争吵状态。)

5. 同义词及用法:

- wear: 作动词时,意为“穿着”、“佩戴”,作名词时,意为“磨损”。与fray的区别在于wear更多指由于长期使用或摩擦而导致的表面磨损。

例句:The soles of his shoes were worn from walking long distances. (他鞋子的鞋底因长时间步行而磨损。)

- deteriorate: 作动词时,意为“恶化”、“变坏”。与fray的区别在于deteriorate更多指状态或品质的逐渐下降。

例句:The relationship between the two countries continues to deteriorate due to ongoing conflicts. (由于持续的,两国之间的关系继续恶化。)

- quarrel: 作动词时,意为“吵架”、“争吵”,作名词时,意为“争吵”。与fray的区别在于quarrel更多指人之间因意见不合而发生的争吵。

例句:The siblings were always quarreling over trivial matters. (这兄弟姐妹总是因为琐事而争吵。)

6. 编辑总结:

