
英语听力2024-03-21 05:17:06小编




Frustrating is an adjective that means causing someone to feel disappointed, discouraged or thwarted. It can be used to describe a situation, circumstance or someone's behavior. This word comes from the verb frustrate, which means "to hinder" or "to thwart." In daily life, we often encounter frustrating things, such as failed plans or unachievable goals. In these situations, we can use frustrating to describe our feelings.


frustrating [ˈfrʌstreɪtɪŋ]



As an adjective, frustrating is usually placed before a noun as an attributive modifier. It can be used to modify various nouns, such as things, situations, and people's behaviors. In addition, it can also be used as a predicate complement after a linking verb.


1. The constant technical issues with this computer are so frustrating. (这台电脑不断出现的技术问题真是让人感到沮丧。)

2. It's frustrating to see all our hard work go to waste because of someone else's mistake. (看着我们的辛勤努力因为别人的错误而付诸东流,真是令人沮丧。)

3. Trying to learn a new language can be a frustrating experience, but don't give up! (学习一门新语言可能会让人感到沮丧,但不要放弃!)

4. She finds it frustrating when her ideas are constantly rejected by her boss. (她自己的想法总是被老板拒绝,这让她很沮丧。)

5. It's frustrating that the train is delayed again, we'll have to wait for another hour. (火车又晚点了,真是令人沮丧,我们得再等一个小时。)




Synonyms and usage:

Frustrating is similar to disappointing, but they have different focuses. Frustrating refers to the feeling caused by hindrance or defeat, while disappointing emphasizes the disappointment of unfulfilled expectations. For example, if we expect something to go smoothly but it fails due to some problems, we will feel frustrating; but if we didn't have high expectations in the first place and the result is still unsatisfactory, it would be more appropriate to use disappointing.

In addition, frustrating can also be used interchangeably with annoying. They both refer to unpleasant things, but annoying emphasizes the feeling of irritation or annoyance.


