
英语听力2024-03-21 10:35:09小编


General Electric是一家美国跨国公司,总部位于波士顿,主要业务涵盖电力、航空、医疗技术和消费者产品等领域。它的英文名称中,“General”是指“普遍的、全面的”,而“Electric”则表示“电力的”。因此,General Electric可以理解为“通用电气”。

发音:[ˈdʒɛnərəl ɪˈlɛktrɪk]

用法:作为一个名词,General Electric通常指代该公司本身。也可以作为一个形容词,描述与该公司相关的产品或服务。


1. General Electric is one of the largest conglomerates in the world, with operations in over 180 countries.


2. The General Electric X-ray machine is known for its high-quality imaging and advanced technology.


3. We need to replace the old refrigerator with a new one from General Electric.


4. General Electric has been investing heavily in renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power.


5. The partnership between General Electric and Boeing has resulted in the development of some of the most advanced aircraft engines in the world.


同义词及用法:General Electric也可以简称为“GE”,这是该公司的缩写。此外,还有一些常用的同义词,如“GE Company”、“General Electric Corporation”等。

编辑总结:General Electric是一家历史悠久、业务范围广泛、知名度高的跨国公司。它在电力、航空、医疗技术等领域都有强大的实力,是世界上最具影响力的企业之一。通过学习这个词汇,我们不仅可以了解到一个重要企业的名称和发音,还可以拓展相关领域的专业词汇,并加深对商业世界的理解。
