
英语听力2024-03-21 11:59:27小编






1. 作为动词时,gest通常接受一个宾语来表达做出的手势、姿势或者表现的对象。它也可以接受一个介词短语来表示手势、姿势或者表现的方式。:

- He gestured for us to come closer. (他做了个手势让我们靠近。)

- She gestured with her hands to show her excitement. (她用手做了些手势来表达她的兴奋。)

- The teacher gestured towards the board to explain the concept. (老师朝着黑板做了些手势来解释概念。)

2. 作为名词时,gest可用来描述某人的一系列连续的动作,尤其是手部动作。:

- His gestures were very animated as he told the story. (他讲故事时的手势非常生动。)

- The politician's gestures were carefully calculated to appeal to the audience. (家精心设计了一系列手势来吸引观众。)

3. 在文学作品中,gest也可以用来表示某人的态度或者情感。:

- The queen gestured towards the throne with a sense of pride. (女王带着自豪的表情指向王座。)

- He gestured in frustration as he tried to explain his point. (他无奈地做了些手势来解释他的观点。)


1. The tour guide gestured for us to follow her as she led us through the narrow streets. (导游做了个手势让我们跟着她穿过狭窄的街道。)

2. The actress gestured dramatically with her hands as she delivered her lines on stage. (女演员在舞台上大幅挥动手臂,表演出戏中台词。)

3. The mime artist's gestures were so precise and expressive that the audience was captivated by his performance. (默剧艺术家的手势如此精准和生动,观众被他的表演吸引住了。)

4. The boss gestured towards the door, indicating that it was time for the meeting to end. (老板朝着门口做了个手势,表示该结束了。)

5. The child's gestures were a clear indication of his fear and discomfort in the new environment. (孩子的手势清楚地表明了他对新环境的恐惧和不适感。


1. signal:作为动词时,意思是“发信号”、“示意”。作为名词时,表示“信号”、“暗示”。:

- She signalled for the waiter to bring the bill. (她示意服务员拿账单。)

- The traffic light turned green, signalling us to cross the road. (红绿灯变绿了,示意我们过马路。)

2. gesticulate:作为动词时,意思是“做手势”、“挥舞”。它的名词形式是gesticulation。:

- He was so angry that he started gesticulating wildly. (他气得手舞足蹈。)

- The politician's gesticulations were exaggerated and theatrical. (家的手势夸张而戏剧化。)

3. mime:作为动词时,意思是“模仿”、“模拟”。作为名词时,表示“默剧表演者”。:

- The students were asked to mime different animals as part of their drama class. (学生们在戏剧课上被要求模仿不同的动物。)

- The mime artist's performance was mesmerizing and drew a large crowd. (默剧艺术家的表演令人着迷,吸引了很多人观看。)


