get_the_best_of_both_worlds是一个英语短语,意为“两全其美”或“兼顾两者最佳”。通常用来形容某种情况下同时得到两种好处或满足两种需求的状态。该短语源于英语谚语“you can't have your cake and eat it too”,意为不能同时拥有并享用蛋糕。
get_the_best_of_both_worlds [ɡet ðə best əv bəʊθ wɜːldz]
1. She has managed to get the best of both worlds by working part-time and taking care of her children. 她通过兼职工作和照顾孩子,成功地实现了“两全其美”的状态。
2. With this new technology, we can get the best of both worlds – high efficiency and low cost. 借助这项新技术,我们可以兼顾高效率和低成本。
3. The new policy aims to get the best of both worlds – protecting the environment while promoting economic growth. 新旨在兼顾保护环境和促进经济增长。
4. She was able to get the best of both worlds by studying abroad – experiencing new cultures and getting a quality education. 她通过出国留学,既体验了新文化,又获得了优质的教育。
5. By combining traditional techniques with modern technology, this restaurant offers customers the best of both worlds – authentic flavors and efficient service. 这家餐厅将传统技术和现代技术相结合,为顾客提供正宗的口味和高效的服务。
1. Have it both ways:与get_the_best_of_both_worlds意思相同,表示同时得到两种好处或满足两种需求。
2. Kill two birds with one stone:意为一箭双雕,表示一次行动达到两个目标。
3. Hit two birds with one stone:与kill two birds with one stone意思相同。
4. Have your cake and eat it too:与get_the_best_of_both_worlds源于同一谚语,意为想要两全其美。
5. Two for the price of one:表示一次购买得到两件物品或享受两种好处。
get_the_best_of_both_worlds是一个常用的英语短语,用来形容某种情况下同时得到两种好处或满足两种需求的状态。它的意思与“两全其美”、“兼顾两者最佳”相同,可以作为动词短语或名词短语使用。除了get_the_best_of_both_worlds外,还有一些与之意思相近的短语,如have it both ways、kill two birds with one stone等。在日常生活和工作中,我们可以灵活运用这些短语来表达自己的想法和观点,使表达更加生动有趣。