意思:glass wool是一种人造无机纤维材料,主要由玻璃纤维和其他添加剂组成,具有轻质、隔热、吸音等特性,常用于建筑、工业和航空航天等领域。
怎么读:[ɡlæs wʊl]
用法:作为名词,glass wool通常用来指代这种人造无机纤维材料本身。它可以被制成板材、毡材或者绳索等形式,在建筑中常用作隔热材料,在工业中可用于保温管道或设备,也可以作为航空航天领域的隔热材料。
例句1:The walls of the house were insulated with glass wool, which helped to keep the interior warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
例句2:The factory uses glass wool as an insulating material for their machinery to prevent heat loss and improve efficiency.
例句3:The spacecraft is equipped with a layer of glass wool to protect it from extreme temperatures in outer space.
例句4:The glass wool board is easy to install and can effectively reduce noise pollution in the office.
例句5:The construction company recommends using glass wool for its lightweight and fire-resistant properties in building insulation.
同义词及用法:glass wool的同义词包括fiber glass、fiberglass等。它们都是指由玻璃纤维制成的隔热材料,常用于类似的场合。,fiber glass通常用于制作船只或者汽车的外壳,而fiberglass则更多用于建筑和工业领域。
编辑总结:glass wool是一种常见的无机纤维材料,具有轻质、隔热、吸音等特性,在建筑、工业和航空航天等领域都有广泛的应用。其同义词fiber glass和fiberglass也是类似材料,在不同场合可以互换使用。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,了解这些常用材料的特性和用法,可以帮助读者更好地理解和应用它们。