
英语听力2024-03-21 19:55:18小编




Grass is a type of perennial herbaceous plant with thin and soft stems, and linear leaves. It usually grows in grasslands, pastures or lawns. It has strong vitality and adaptability, and can grow well in various climatic conditions. In addition to being used as fodder and ground cover, grass is also used to make paper, weaving materials, etc.



The term "grass" can have multiple meanings. In addition to the plant mentioned above, it can also refer to a meadow, lawn, or greenery. Moreover, in colloquial language, "grass" can also be used to describe someone or something as bad or unpleasant.


英 [ɡrɑːs] 美 [ɡræs]



As a noun, "grass" can refer to plants, meadows, lawns, etc. As a verb, it can mean cutting grass or eating grass. In addition, "grass" can also be used as an adjective to describe something related to grass or having characteristics similar to grass.


1. The cows are grazing on the grass in the pasture. (牛群正在牧场上吃草。)

2. The lawn is covered with green grass. (草坪上铺满了绿色的青草。)

3. He mowed the grass in the backyard yesterday. (他昨天割了后院的草。)

4. Don't step on the wet grass, you'll get your shoes dirty. (不要踩湿了的青草,否则你的鞋子会脏的。)

5. After being punished by his teacher, he felt like he was being thrown under the bus and everyone was talking about him behind his back. (在老师的惩罚之后,他感觉自己就像是被抛弃在一旁而且每个人都在背后议论他。)


1. turf - 作为名词,turf可以表示草皮或者草地。作为动词,它可以表示把某人赶出某地。

2. meadow - 指一片开阔的草地,通常用来指代有花草的田野。

3. pasture - 指供牲畜吃草的场地,也可以指牧场。

4. lawn - 指修剪整齐、用来美化环境的草坪。

5. herbage - 作为名词,herbage可以表示植物总称或者指一片茂密的青草。

1. turf - As a noun, "turf" can refer to a patch of grass or a lawn. As a verb, it can mean to drive someone out of a place.

2. meadow - Refers to an open grassy area, often with flowers and plants.

3. pasture - Refers to a field where livestock can graze, or can also refer to a ranch.

4. lawn - Refers to a neatly trimmed and maintained grassy area used for beautifying the surroundings.

5. herbage - As a noun, "herbage" can refer to plants in general or a dense growth of greenery.


