
英语听力2024-03-21 20:43:20小编



Green tea是一种来自于茶树叶的茶饮料,它经过特殊的加工和制作过程而成。它是一种非发酵茶,因此保留了茶叶中大部分的营养成分,具有丰富的抗氧化剂和其他健康益处。

Green tea is a type of tea beverage made from the leaves of the tea plant through a special process. It is a non-fermented tea, which retains most of the nutrients in the tea leaves and is rich in antioxidants and other health benefits.


英 [ɡriːn tiː] 美 [ɡriːn tiː]


Green tea通常以干茶叶或茶包的形式出现,可以用开水冲泡饮用。也可以将干茶叶放入热水中浸泡,使其释放出香气和营养成分。除了饮用外,green tea也可用于烹饪、制作甜点或添加到其他饮品中。

Green tea is usually consumed by steeping dried leaves or using tea bags in hot water. The dried leaves can also be placed in hot water to release its aroma and nutrients. In addition to drinking, green tea can also be used for cooking, making desserts, or adding to other beverages.


1. I like to start my day with a cup of hot green tea. 我喜欢用一杯热的绿茶来开始我的一天。

2. Green tea is known for its health benefits and is often recommended by doctors. 绿茶以其健康益处而闻名,医生经常推荐饮用。

3. The subtle, refreshing taste of green tea makes it a popular choice for many people. 绿茶微妙清爽的口味使其成为许多人的首选。

4. Some people add honey or lemon to their green tea for added flavor and health benefits. 有些人会在绿茶中加入蜂蜜或柠檬,增添口味和健康益处。

5. Green tea has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries due to its medicinal properties. 绿茶因其药用特性,在传统医学中已被使用了数百年。


Green tea也可以被称为unfermented tea(非发酵茶),因为它与黑茶和红茶不同,没有经过发酵过程。此外,它也可以被称为绿茶或日本绿茶,因为这两个是最著名的green tea产地。


Green tea是一种具有丰富营养和健康益处的茶饮料,它是通过特殊的加工和制作过程而成。它可以用于饮用、烹饪和制作甜点,也可以添加到其他饮品中。除了被称为green tea外,它也可以被称为unfermented tea、绿茶或日本绿茶。无论如何称呼,Green tea都是一种受欢迎的茶饮料,许多人每天都会享用。
