
英语听力2024-03-21 23:03:12小编



gumdrop是一种软糖,通常呈现为小圆形,有时候还会有不同的颜色和形状。它的外观类似于树脂珠,因此得名“gumdrop”。这种糖果通常由糖浆、明胶和果汁制成,口感柔软,味道甜美。在英国,它也被称为“jelly baby”。

Gumdrop is a type of candy that is usually small and round, sometimes with different colors and shapes. Its appearance resembles resin beads, hence the name "gumdrop". This type of candy is typically made from syrup, gelatin, and fruit juice, with a soft texture and sweet taste. In the UK, it is also known as "jelly baby".





Gumdrops are usually consumed as a snack or treat. They can be eaten directly or used as decorations on desserts. In addition, they are also given as gifts at children's parties or holiday events.


1. I love snacking on gumdrops while watching movies.(我喜欢在看电影的时候吃软糖。)

2. The gingerbread house is decorated with colorful gumdrops.(姜饼屋上装饰着五颜六色的软糖。)

3. Can I have a gumdrop from your candy jar?(我可以从你的糖果罐里拿一颗软糖吗?)

4. My mom always puts a few gumdrops in my lunchbox as a sweet surprise.(我妈妈总是在我的午餐盒里放几颗软糖作为甜蜜的惊喜。)

5. The kids were excited to receive a bag of gumdrops as party favors.(孩子们很兴奋地收到了一袋作为派对礼物的软糖。)


gumdrops的同义词包括jelly babies、jelly drops、fruit jellies等,它们都是指类似于gumdrop的软糖。这些同义词可以互换使用,用法和gumdrop相同。

Some synonyms for gumdrops include jelly babies, jelly drops, fruit jellies, etc., which all refer to similar types of soft candies. These synonyms can be used interchangeably and have the same usage as gumdrops.


gumdrop是一种受欢迎的小吃和零食,它具有吸引人的外观和甜美的味道。除了直接食用外,它还可以作为装饰物添加在甜点上。此外,它也常被用作礼物赠送,在儿童派对和节日活动中很受欢迎。其同义词包括jelly babies、jelly drops、fruit jellies等,用法和gumdrop相同。希望本文能帮助读者更好地了解gumdrop及其相关内容。
