
英语听力2024-03-21 23:45:07小编




Hackathon is a centralized and time-limited coding event aimed at solving specific technical problems through team collaboration and competition. Participants are usually programmers, designers, and other technology experts who use their skills and creativity to develop new software, applications, or solutions within a given timeframe. The term is a combination of "hack" and "marathon", indicating that participants need to work efficiently to complete the tasks in a short period of time.





Hackathons are usually organized by companies, schools, or communities with the aim of promoting innovation and technological development. Participants can either form their own teams or be assigned to a team, and they are required to complete a specific task within a given timeframe. The task could be developing a new software or application, or improving an existing product or system. Participants are allowed to use any available tools and technologies to complete the task, but they must adhere to competition rules and ethical guidelines.


1. Our company is ing a hackathon next month to come up with new ideas for our mobile app. (我们公司下个月将举办一场hackathon,为我们的移动应用想出新的创意。)

2. The hackathon challenge was to develop a virtual reality game in just 24 hours. (这次hackathon的挑战是在仅有24小时的时间内开发一款虚拟现实游戏。)

3. The winning team of the hackathon received a cash prize and the opportunity to present their project at a tech conference. (这次hackathon的获胜团队获得了现金奖励,并有机会在科技大会上展示他们的项目。)

4. Many hackathons have themes related to social impact, such as creating solutions for environmental sustainability or improving access to education in underprivileged communities. (许多hackathon都有与社会影响相关的主题,比如为环境可持续性提供解决方案,或者改善贫困社区的教育机会。)

5. The hackathon was a great opportunity for networking and meeting other talented individuals in the tech industry. (这次hackathon是一个很好的机会,可以建立人脉并结识科技行业中其他有才华的人士。)


Hackathon也可以被称为codefest、hack day、hackfest等,它们都指相似的编程活动。此外,类似的概念还有“编程马拉松”(code marathon)和“马拉松”(hacker marathon),它们也可以用来描述类似的活动。

Hackathon can also be referred to as codefest, hack day, hackfest, etc., all of which refer to similar coding events. In addition, similar concepts include "code marathon" and "hacker marathon", which can also be used to describe similar activities.


