
英语听力2024-03-22 01:05:20小编







1. 作为名词时,handicap常用来指某种身体上或心理上的缺陷或障碍。它可以用来描述一个人的残疾或缺陷,也可以指某种不利的情况或条件。:

- He was born with a physical handicap, but he never let it hold him back from achieving his dreams. (他出生时就有身体残疾,但他从未让这成为阻碍他实现梦想的借口。)

- The team had to overcome various handicaps in order to win the championship. (这个团队必须克服各种不利条件才能赢得冠。)

2. 作为动词时,handicap常用来表示“妨碍”、“使不利”。它可以指某种行为或情况对某人造成了不利影响。:

- Smoking can seriously handicap your health. (吸烟会严重损害你的健康。)

- The company's financial struggles have handicapped its ability to expand. (公司的财务困境影响了其扩张能力。)

3. 在体育比赛中,handicap有“让分”的意思,通常用于指一方比赛者给另一方比赛者一定的分数优势,以平衡双方实力差距。:

- In golf, players with lower handicaps are considered to be more skilled. (在高尔夫球中,手杆数较少的选手被认为更有技巧。)

- The team with a handicap of 5 points managed to beat their opponents in the final match. (让对手5分的这支队伍最终击败了他们的对手。)


1. He was born with a physical handicap, but he never let it hold him back from achieving his dreams.


2. The team had to overcome various handicaps in order to win the championship.


3. Smoking can seriously handicap your health.


4. In golf, players with lower handicaps are considered to be more skilled.


5. The team with a handicap of 5 points managed to beat their opponents in the final match.



1. hindrance:作为名词,意为“阻碍”、“障碍”,常用来指某种行为或情况对某人造成了不利影响。:

- The heavy rain was a hindrance to our plans for a picnic. (大雨妨碍了我们野餐的计划。)

- His lack of experience proved to be a hindrance in his new job. (他缺乏经验在新工作中成为了一种阻碍。)

2. disadvantage:作为名词,意为“不利条件”、“缺点”,常用来指某种不利的情况或条件。:

- Growing up in poverty can put children at a disadvantage compared to their wealthier peers. (在贫穷中长大会使孩子们相比于富裕的同龄人处于不利地位。)

- The new policy has significant disadvantages that need to be addressed. (新存在重大缺点需要解决。)

3. impede:作为动词,意为“妨碍”、“阻碍”,常用来指某种行为或情况对某人造成了不利影响。:

- The road construction impeded the flow of traffic. (道路施工妨碍了交通流量。)

- Lack of funding has impeded the progress of this project. (缺乏资金阻碍了这个项目的进展。)


