
英语听力2024-03-22 05:32:29小编




heel的音标为 /hiːl/。


1. 作为名词,heel通常用来指代脚后跟部位,:

- She hurt her heel while running. (她在跑步时伤到了脚后跟。)

- He stood on his heels to reach the shelf. (他站在脚后跟上,以便够到顶层架子。)

2. 作为动词,heel也可以表示服从或者遵从某人的命令或者意见,:

- The dog heeled to its owner's command. (狗听从主人的命令。)

- The new recruits quickly heeled to their captain's orders. (新们迅速服从了队长的命令。)

3. 在鞋类中,heel通常指鞋子的后跟部分,:

- She bought a pair of high heels for the party tonight. (她买了一双高跟鞋准备参加今晚的聚会。)

- These shoes have a chunky heel for extra support. (这些鞋子有一个厚实的鞋跟以提供额外支撑。)


1. She twisted her ankle and had to wear a special heel support for a few weeks. (她扭伤了脚踝,需要戴一个特殊的鞋跟支撑几周。)

2. The dancer gracefully balanced on the tips of her toes, her heels lifted high in the air. (舞者优雅地站在脚趾尖上,她的脚后跟高高抬起。)

3. The rebellious teenager refused to heel to his parents' rules and ran away from home. (叛逆的青少年拒绝遵从父母的规定,离家出走了。)

4. The designer added a unique twist to the classic pump by adding a metallic heel. (设计师在经典的高跟鞋上加入了金属鞋跟,赋予了独特的风格。)

5. She kicked off her heels and walked barefoot on the beach, feeling the sand between her toes. (她踢掉高跟鞋,在海滩上赤脚行走,感受着脚趾间的沙子。)


1. Stiletto:指一种细高跟鞋,也可以用来形容尖锐的物体。

- She strutted in her stilettos, confident and elegant.


2. Wedge:指一种楔形鞋跟,也可以用来形容楔形物体。

- She prefers wedges over stilettos, as they are more comfortable to walk in.


3. Platform:指一种厚底鞋,也可以用来形容或者基础。

- The platform heels made her feel taller and more confident.



heel是一个常用的词汇,它可以作为名词或者动词使用,在不同的语境下有着不同的含义。作为名词,它通常指代脚后跟部位或者鞋子的一部分;作为动词,它可以表示服从或者遵从某人的命令。在鞋类中,heel通常指鞋子的后跟部分。除了常见的同义词如stiletto、wedge和platform外,还有一些其他词汇也可以用来描述鞋跟,如chunky heel、kitten heel等。无论是在日常生活中还是在时尚界,heel都是一个重要的词汇,我们应该学习并正确使用它。
