
英语听力2024-03-22 14:40:59小编





[haʊ əˈbaʊt]


1. 询问对方的意见或建议:

- How about going to the movies tonight?(今晚去看电影怎么样?)

- How about we have a picnic this weekend?(这个周末我们去野餐怎么样?)

2. 提出问题或建议:

- How about we discuss this matter further?(我们再讨论一下这件事情怎么样?)

- How about you try a different approach?(你试试其他方法怎么样?)

3. 询问某人是否同意某事:

- We can meet at 6 pm, how about that?(我们可以六点钟见面,这个时间你觉得如何?)

- The weather forecast says it will rain tomorrow, how about postponing our trip?(天气预报说明天会下雨,我们推迟出行怎么样?)

4. 表示不确定或犹豫:

- I'm not sure if I can finish this task on time, how about I ask for an extension?(我不确定能否按时完成这项任务,我可以请求延期怎么样?)

5. 用于回答问题:

- A: How about we have lunch together tomorrow?(明天我们一起吃午饭怎么样?)

B: Sure, that sounds good.(好的,听起来不错。)


1. How about we go for a walk in the park this afternoon?(今天下午我们去公园散步怎么样?)

2. How about we order some pizza and have a movie night at home?(我们点些比萨饼,在家里看电影怎么样?)

3. I'm not sure if I should buy this dress, how about you give me your opinion?(我不确定是否应该买这件连衣裙,你觉得怎么样?)

4. The meeting is scheduled for tomorrow morning, how about we reschedule it to next week?(定在明天上午,我们推迟到下周怎么样?)

5. A: How do you feel about the new project proposal?(你对这个新项目提案有什么想法?)

B: How about we discuss it in more detail during the next meeting?(我们下次再详细讨论一下怎么样?)


1. What do you think of...?

2. What's your opinion on...?

3. Would you like to...?

4. Let's...

5. Why don't we...?


how_about是一个常用的短语,可以用来询问对方的意见或建议,也可以用来提出问题或建议。它的用法灵活多样,可以在不同场合使用。另外,它也可以用于回答问题或表示不确定或犹豫。同义词包括“What do you think of...?”、“Would you like to...?”等。在写作时,可以根据具体情况选择合适的表达方式。
