
英语听力2024-03-22 17:13:25小编



Hymenomycetes is a class of fungi, also known as the hymenomycetes, which includes various species of gilled mushrooms, boletes, and polypores. Their defining characteristic is the presence of a membrane-like fruiting body, covered with a thin layer that produces spores, hence the name "hymenomycetes".


hymenomycetes [ˌhaɪməˈnɑːmaɪsiːtiːz]



Hymenomycetes is commonly used as a taxonomic name for this class of fungi and its various species. In everyday usage, people tend to use specific species names to refer to individual gilled mushrooms or boletes.


1. Hymenomycetes is a diverse class of fungi, with over 20,000 known species. (膜菌是一类多样性很高的真菌,已知有超过2万种。)

2. The fruiting bodies of hymenomycetes are often found in forests and woodlands, growing on decaying wood or leaf litter. (膜菌的子实体通常生长在森林和林地中,生长在腐烂的木材或落叶上。)

3. Some of the most well-known hymenomycetes include the shiitake mushroom, porcini, and oyster mushroom. (一些最为知名的膜菌包括香菇、牛肝菌和平菇。)

4. The spores of hymenomycetes are released from the gills or pores on the underside of the cap when mature. (膜菌的孢子在成熟时从盖子下侧的鳞片或孔隙中释放出来。)

5. Hymenomycetes play an important role in decomposing organic matter and recycling nutrients in forest ecosystems. (膜菌在分解有机物和循环森林生态中的营养物质方面发挥着重要作用。)


Hymenomycetes可以与gilled fungi(有鳞片真菌)或agarics(伞菌)互换使用,它们都指代具有膜状子实体的真菌。此外,也可以使用mushrooms(蘑菇)来代指伞菌类真菌。

Hymenomycetes can be used interchangeably with gilled fungi or agarics, which both refer to fungi with membrane-like fruiting bodies. Additionally, the term mushrooms can also be used to refer to gilled mushrooms.


Hymenomycetes是一类真菌纲,也被称为膜菌纲,包括多种有盖菌类真菌。它们的特征是具有膜状的子实体,子实体上覆盖着具有孢子形成功能的薄膜。Hymenomycetes通常被用作学术性质的分类名称,在日常生活中人们更倾向于使用具体的物种名称来指代某一种伞菌或牛肝菌。它们在森林生态中起着重要作用,帮助分解有机物和循环营养物质。同义词包括gilled fungi、agarics和mushrooms。
