
英语听力2024-03-22 21:18:11小编



怎么读(音标):[aɪm bəˈliːv ə lɒt, ə ˈθaʊzənd ˈpɒsəbli. æz wɪ traɪ tu faɪnd]


例句1:I'm believe a lot in you, I know you can achieve anything you set your mind to.(我对你有很大的信心,我知道你可以做到你想做的任何事情。)

例句2:As we try to find a solution to this problem, I'm believe a lot that we will overcome it together.(当我们试图找到解决这个问题的方法时,我相信我们会一起克服它。)

例句3:Im_believe_a_lot,_aohousandossibly._Asg_we_try_to_find the perfect gift for our anniversary, I can't help but feel overwhelmed by the endless options.(当我们试图为我们的纪念日找到完美的礼物时,我不禁被无穷无尽的选择所压倒。)

例句4:I'm believe a lot in the power of positive thinking, as we try to find ways to improve our lives.(当我们试图找到改善生活的方法时,我相信积极思考的力量。)

例句5:Im_believe_a_lot,_aohousandossibly._Asg_we_try_to_find a cure for cancer, we must not give up hope and keep searching for new treatments.(当我们试图为癌症找到治愈方法时,我们不能放弃希望,要继续寻找新的治疗方式。)


1. I have great faith in you, as we try to find a solution to this problem.(我对你有很大的信心,当我们试图找到解决这个问题的方法时。)

2. I'm very confident that we will succeed, as we try to find a way out of this difficult situation.(我非常有信心我们会成功,当我们试图找到摆脱这个困境的方法时。)

3. With determination and perseverance, we will find a solution to this problem.(凭借决心和毅力,我们会找到解决这个问题的方法。)


