
英语听力2024-03-23 02:28:11小编



Intelligent design是指一种关于宇宙和生命起源的理论,认为它们不仅仅是由自然选择和进化过程所决定,还有一个超自然的智慧或设计者参与其中。这种理论主张宇宙和生命的复杂性和完美性无法通过自然选择来解释,因此必须存在一个智慧的设计者来创造它们。

Intelligent design is a theory about the origin of the universe and life, which suggests that they are not only determined by natural selection and evolutionary processes, but also involve a supernatural intelligence or designer. This theory argues that the complexity and perfection of the universe and life cannot be explained by natural selection alone, thus there must be an intelligent designer behind them.


/intə'lɛdʒənt dɪ'zaɪn/


Intelligent design通常作为一个专有名词使用,用来指代这一理论。在学术界和科学界,intelligent design被视为一种伪科学,因为它缺乏可靠的科学证据支持。然而,在某些圈子中,intelligent design被认为是一种合理的解释生命起源的观点。

Intelligent design is typically used as a proper noun to refer to this theory. In the academic and scientific community, intelligent design is considered pseudoscience because it lacks reliable scientific evidence. However, in certain religious circles, intelligent design is seen as a reasonable explanation for the origin of life.


1. The theory of intelligent design suggests that the complexity and perfection of the universe and life are evidence of a designer's involvement.

(intelligent design理论认为,宇宙和生命的复杂性和完美性是一个设计者参与的证据。)

2. Many scientists reject the concept of intelligent design because it lacks empirical support.

(许多科学家拒绝接受intelligent design的概念,因为它缺乏实证支持。)

3. Some religious groups use intelligent design to explain the existence of a higher power or deity.

(一些团体使用intelligent design来解释更高层次的力量或神明的存在。)

4. The debate over intelligent design has been ongoing for decades, with strong arguments on both sides.

(关于intelligent design的辩论已经持续了几十年,双方都有强有力的论点。)

5. Critics argue that intelligent design is not a scientific theory because it cannot be tested or falsified through experimentation.

(批评者认为,intelligent design不是一种科学理论,因为它无法通过实验进行测试或证伪。)


Intelligent design也被称为ID,是其缩写形式。此外,还有一些相关的术语也被用来描述这一理论,如creationism(创造论)和intelligent creation(智能创造)。它们都指代同样的观点,即宇宙和生命的起源是由一个智慧的设计者创造的。

Intelligent design is also known as ID, which is its abbreviation. Additionally, there are some related terms used to describe this theory, such as creationism and intelligent creation. They all refer to the same idea that the origin of the universe and life was created by an intelligent designer.


Intelligent design是一种关于宇宙和生命起源的理论,认为它们不仅仅是由自然选择和进化过程所决定,还有一个超自然的智慧或设计者参与其中。尽管在某些圈子中被认为是一种合理的解释,但在学术界和科学界,intelligent design被视为一种伪科学。无论如何,这一理论仍然引发了长期的辩论,并且对于我们理解宇宙和生命的起源有着重要影响。
