
英语听力2024-03-23 06:09:11小编




1. 名词:irony

2. 形容词:ironic

3. 副词:ironically


1. The irony of the situation is that the person who always preached about honesty turned out to be the biggest liar.


2. It's ironic that the man who claimed to hate technology became addicted to social media.


3. The irony of life is that the things we want the most always seem to be just out of reach.


4. It's ironic how the same people who complain about pollution are also the ones who litter the most.


5. The irony is that the more we try to control our lives, the more unpredictable it becomes.



1. sarcasm:讽刺,常用于表达嘲笑或嘲讽的意思。

例句:His tone was full of sarcasm as he said, "Wow, you're really good at this."

2. satire:讽刺,通常指对社会或个人进行尖锐批评的文学作品。

例句:The movie is a clever satire on modern society.

3. paradox:悖论,指两种相互矛盾的观点同时存在的情况。

例句:The paradox of love is that it can bring both joy and pain.

4. contradiction:矛盾,指两种相互的事物同时存在的情况。

例句:Her actions were in contradiction to her words.

5. incongruity:不协调,指事物之间缺乏逻辑或一致性。

例句:The incongruity between his appearance and his job surprised me.




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