
英语听力2024-03-23 07:52:24小编



英文:IT hardware refers to the physical components of a computer system, including motherboard, CPU, memory, hard drive, graphics card, etc. They are the foundation of computer operation, responsible for processing and storing data and controlling the system's operation.

怎么读(音标):[ˌaɪˈtiː ˈhɑːrdweər]


例句1:The IT hardware of this computer is very advanced and can handle heavy workload easily.(这台电脑的it硬件非常先进,可以轻松处理大量工作负载。)

例句2:The IT department is responsible for maintaining and upgrading all the company's IT hardware.(IT部门负责维护和升级公司所有的it硬件。)

例句3:We need to invest in new IT hardware to improve our efficiency and productivity.(我们需要投资新的it硬件来提高效率和生产力。)

例句4:It's important to regularly update your IT hardware to keep up with the latest technology.(定期更新it硬件是很重要的,以跟上最新的技术。)

例句5:The company is looking for a candidate with strong knowledge and experience in IT hardware.(公司正在寻找具有强大的it硬件知识和经验的候选人。)

同义词及用法:IT hardware还可以用computer hardware来表示,两者意思相同,但前者更常用于商业和专业领域。

编辑总结:IT hardware是指计算机中的物理部件,它们是计算机运行的基础。在日常生活中,我们可以把它们简单地称为电脑配件或电脑硬件。了解IT hardware的概念对于学习和使用计算机都非常重要,希望本文能够帮助读者更好地理解这一概念。


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