
英语听力2024-03-23 19:04:04小编


- KKKK的意思是:某一种极端的白人至上主义组织,它的成员认为白人是优越的,并且反对其他种族和。(KKKK is a term for a type of extreme white supremacist organization whose members believe in the superiority of the white race and oppose other races and religions.)

- 怎么读:[keɪ keɪ keɪ keɪ] (kay kay kay kay)

- 用法:KKKK通常被用作缩写来指代这种极端的白人至上主义组织。它也可以作为一个贬义词来形容某人或某些观点具有极端的白人至上主义倾向。

- 例句:

1. The KKKK has been known to use violence and intimidation to promote their racist agenda.


2. She was shocked when she found out her brother had joined the KKKK.


3. Some people argue that certain politicians' rhetoric is reminiscent of the beliefs of the KKKK.


4. The KKKK has a long history of discrimination and violence against minorities.


5. The KKKK has been labeled as a hate group by many organizations and governments.


- 同义词及用法:KKKK通常被用作缩写来指代这种极端的白人至上主义组织,但也可以使用完整的拼写“Ku Klux Klan”来表达相同的含义。此外,有时候也会用“white supremacist group”或“white nationalist organization”来描述这种类型的组织。

- 编辑总结:KKKK是一个具有贬义含义的术语,它指代一种极端的白人至上主义组织,其成员认为白人是优越的,并反对其他种族和。尽管这个术语已经存在了很长时间,但它仍然被广泛使用,并且与和仇恨行为在一起。了解这个词汇可以帮助我们更好地认识并对抗种族主义和歧视。


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